What is Hongkong Post Circular Service?
Hongkong Post Circular Service is a geographically targeted medium to get your promotional messages across to potential customer segments, both consumer and commercial. Senders can use the service to send their advertising mail, unstamped and unaddressed, enveloped or unenveloped to all addresses of selected building(s).
What can I send with the Service?
The Service can be used to send envelopes, postcards, flyers, brochures, samples and premiums.
How can I select the targets for sending circular mails?
There are two types of methods you can select for targeting. The Standard Service allows you to target both residential and commercial customers by geographical areas of your choice. The Premium Service allows you to target residential customers using precise segmentation tool of neighbourhood types
Do I have to pay more for using the Premium Service?
The postage is the same for both the Standard Service and Premium Service. All you have to pay is the target selection service of $3,000 for using the Premium Service.
How do I know which building/location(s) can be reached with the Service?
You may search for the building/location(s) in this web platform by address keyword,district or digital map. Alternatively, you may call our hotline at 2921 6526 or visit our circular posting office for enquiries.
Why is the number of households of my selected area advised by the counter staff at the time of posting different from the data I received during enquiry?
As we keep updating the number of households that can be reached with the Service there may be time gap causing data discrepancy between enquiry and posting.
Is there any minimum quantity of posting?
The minimum posting quantity of the Service is 1,000 identical items. If the posting quantity is less than 1,000 items, a rate proportional to the postage for 1,000 items calculated according to selected address category will be charged.
Is it necessary to obtain approval on the mail artwork?
Obtain approval on the mail artwork prior to printing is a must and also to the sender’s benefit. The approval process will ensure your mail items meet all posting requirements including specifications and content. Senders should bring along the approved application form to post their mails.
How can I obtain approval on the mail artwork?
You can choose to submit the mail artwork through email of this web platform, by faxor in person to the respective bulk posting office for prior approval. It normally takes 1-2 working days. For irregular shape items, senders must present the physical mail sample for obtaining written approval prior to printing and posting, at our designated post offices for accepting irregular-shape circular mail. Please refer to here for the posting requirements of irregular shape mail items.
Under what circumstances will the content of mail item be rejected?
Any obscene, immoral, indecent, offensive or libellous writing, picture or other things are not allowed for posting. In determining whether the specimen submitted by the applicant has met the requirements stipulated in this condition, Hongkong Post’s decision shall be final.
What is the one-stop printing service?
You can prepare circular posting through our designated platform (ledoads.com). Our professional team will develop designated promotion program for you and offer you one-stop printing service for circular mails, saving your preparation time. For details of the service, please call 3618 8657 for enquiry.
I used your one-stop printing service and found the leaflet color appear in my PC monitor different from the actual printed leaflet. Why?
This is because the color model used for displaying images in computers (RGB) is different from the color model used in color printing (CMYK) . There are many RGB colors that CMYK printers cannot reproduce. Something that looks good in the monitor may not retain the same quality in printed paper. Therefore, the exact colors between the two color models might be different. Besides, image colors viewed by different monitor with different settings also varies.
What are the payment methods?
Payment can be made in cash or EPS. Alternatively, arrangements can be made with the Hongkong Post Financial Services Division by telephone at 2921 2244 to pay by cheques.
Are there any discounts for posting of high volume?
For accumulated postings with quantities of 200,000 items or above in a calendar month (irrespective of the number of calendar days in that particular month), you can enjoy special volume discounts – 5% discount for 200,000 up to 500,000 and 10% discount for more than 500,000. To enjoy the discounts for accumulated postings in a calendar month, please send the completed application form with the original copies of the posting receipts to our Financial Services Division within 15 calendar days following end of the calendar month. For enquiries, please call 2921 2148. Download the application form for volume discount rebate.
How long will it take to deliver the mail items?
Delivery of mail items will normally be completed within 4 working days after posting.
Why is it necessary to put the “opt-out statement” on the mail?
Hongkong Post is an entrusted carrier of messages serving both mail senders and recipients. We shoulder the social obligation of delivering mail as instructed by the sender. We understand there may be recipients not willing to receive mails of certain types. The opt-out policy was launched to take care of the needs of these recipients and enable them direct channels to reflect their wish of not receiving mails from particular senders.
Can I still send my mails using the service without the “opt-out statement”?
I’m afraid not. Senders must put on the “opt-out statement” on the mails if they have to send them with the service.
After I receive opt-out requests, can I request Hongkong Post to take out the individual address of these building(s) for posting my circular mails?
I’m afraid this is not feasible. The Service is an unaddressed mail service. The delivery of mails is based on building unit and therefore save the operation work for sorting mails. This is also the reason why the service is provided at very low postages. For operation efficiency, we cannot accept exclusion of individual address.